Our Events

Watch this space for upcoming events.  We need to keep our momentum as a community, so keep checking this page for ways to get involved in these important forthcoming weeks! … 

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Past Events

Clean Air Day – 16th June

For the second year running we came together as a community on the proposed site to celebrate Clean Air Day. This is an aerial shot showing local people still saying NO!

On 17th June 2021, over 200 people gathered, with very little notice, at the site of the proposed incinerator, in acknowledgement of Clean Air Day. The emphasis was on keeping the air clean for our children. We were proud to line up and display 68 metres of garland, comprised of hundreds of Say NO! posters made by children from our community. The aim was to give our children – our future – a voice, and produce enough posters to stretch beyond the proposed 50m incinerator chimney stack … They smashed it and we have since received around 60 more! The posters can be viewed electronically on the kids section; check them out!

Take a look at these amazing photographs from the event, attended by all ages. What an awesome community! Thank you so much to everyone who attended. Keep your eyes peeled for our next event! We’ve got this!

During summer of 2021 we took part in Plastic-free July but extended our activities throughout the summer holidays. Children were able to take part in our “Don’t feed the Monsters” trail (pertaining to the amount of plastic which is fed to monster Incinerators) where clue sheets lead children and their families throughout town to ten central local businesses. There, plastic bottle monsters would be situated in the window, each with a name and favourite type of plastic food! After completing clue sheets, children would receive a Say No badge and be entered into a prize draw.

On 6th July, the day prior to the Planning Committee meeting, the councillors responsible for making the decision, visited for planned site. They were met by hundreds of members of the community, at another peaceful community protest, with the children’s poster garland.

On 7th July 2021, some members of our committee and community, along with local councillors, stood up and spoke on behalf of us all, at the planning committee meeting. A unanimous decision was reached, in line with recommendations from Durham County Council, to refuse planning permission.