

This is a list of the local businesses who supported us during ‘Phase 1’ and acted as hubs for objections. We thank them for their support and hope that you will continue to support their business. 

Help others submit objections to Durham County Council Planning.

Not everyone has access to electronic methods of correspondence and information.  Spread the word about the plans, and if you know of people who want to object but cannot access emails and online portals, help them out – create an email address for them or pass on the postal address details to allow them to submit a written objection.  We are here to give everyone a voice – they all matter!

Be fully informed about why we Say NO! to the incinerator.

Plans to build incinerator facilities are often presented in such a way that they are made to sound like a greener option for dealing with waste.  We completely disagree!  They are a largely unregulated and loosely monitored industry. Once you start researching, it really doesn’t take long to start churning out research relating to the alarming risks they pose on so many levels, as well as being a lucrative (for the few) and lazy way to deal with waste.  This is not what we want for our future. Check out The proposal tab to find out more.

Check out some of the following links.  It’s always good to be fully informed to spread the word, and be motivated to make changes that discredit arguments for the need for incineration in our town, and the UK.  Plus, do your own research and let us know what you come up with!

An excellent place to start is by watching Channel 4’s recently aired Dispatches episode; Dirty Truth About Your Rubbish.  It takes a look at how millions of tonnes of household recycling end up incinerated, hiking carbon emission, with councils locked into long and expensive waste contracts.  An eye opener! Dirty Truth About Your Rubbish: Dispatches – All 4 ( will take you to ‘UK without incineration network’; an abundance of information opposing incineration and offering valuable support to local campaigns, including our very own, here in Consett.  A huge thank you to them!

There are emissions that are only spot checked 2 – 4 times a year. Not all emissions monitoring is continuous. Please see:

Plume Plotter: A website which uses current conditions to forecast the plume in areas where an incinerator is planned.  Take a good look at the potential effect on the surrounding area if this incinerator goes ahead – if you think your home or childrens’ school is unaffected one day, check back when the weather has changed!

Show the whole town you’re Saying NO! Show you’re part of this.

Make it visible – show solidarity, we stand together! You can print your own leaflet:

Alternatively, you can contact David at Label Me This Enterprises to order your merchandise. for banners, leaflets, posters, car bumper stickers, flags…(1) Label Me This | Facebook

Sign and share the petition.

The petition only counts as one objection as a whole – but it is a brilliant way to raise awareness and get support. Sign and share and encourage as many people as possible to actively join our campaign, and then Object, Object, Object!.

Petition · Durham County Council: Oppose Hownsgill Energy from Waste Plant ·

Support our Crowd fund to raise much needed funds for our cause

We are raising money to support our campaign – anything you can spare will help us fight the cause on your behalf.

Please click here to view the crowd fund page.   

Join us on Social Media

We have an open public group and a private group on Facebook – the private group is the most important. Join us and share ideas, post information you have found, and feel free to demonstrate just how opposed you are to this incinerator being forced onto the people of Consett.

Get your children involved

Our children are our future.  They should have a voice.  They can get involved by visiting our Kids say NO! page.  It includes child-friendly information and activities to help your child understand why we oppose incineration, and a poster campaign we really need them to get involved in.  We want them to have a voice in this!  There is also an updates page where we will post childrens’ contributions, new challenges and news.  Rally your school into action too!

Share your talents

Many people have offered their services – this has been a truly community effort.

A massive thank you to Christian for his time and patience in creating our website, to David and Emma at ‘Label Me This’ for their stupendous effort in getting leaflets and banners out to people.  A huge thank you to Calvin Bone for the logo and all his amazing graphic design input. Alun Young for the Facebook profile frame. Niamh McDonald for using her expertise in creating an excellent objection template. To everyone who has helped with leaflet dropping and supporting all that we do.  If there is anything at all you feel you can offer or do to support – please get in touch.  Everything counts!