Our News

We have a constitution!

Follow the link below to our new constitution. The committee felt that we needed to ensure that the governance arrangements, particularly around our finances, were transparent. Watch this space for the date for our AGM in September, once the enquiry is over.

Please click here to see the constitution.

Fundraising News

We held a very successful Coffee Morning on 28th May, raising over £2100 towards our legal costs during the enquiry. We had fantastic support from across the community including Derwentside Rotary, Consett Methodist Church, local businesses and dozens of local people who baked, donated prizes or goods to be sold and also turned up on the day to support us. Our crowd fund is still open if anyone would like to donate.


Our community is working together to voice we say NO to Consett incinerator. We don’t want or  need an incinerator to burn commercial and industrial waste for decades in our town or anywhere else. Unfortunately, this is a global fight with the waste to energy industry who ‘greenwash’ what they do. We have support from other campaigns fighting the same fight in their local area and the organisation UK Without Incineration Network (UKWIN). Look what we have achieved so far together, as a community and this is just the beginning …

Our fantastic campaign song, courtesy of local lads ‘Con Dawg & Crew’, turned out to be our Winner’s Anthem!

BBC Newcastle – Alfie Joey

Interview coverage at 7.10am with Christine Thomas:


BBC Look North

Please continue to spread the word. We shall win this campaign together:
